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Muharram : The Opening month Of Hijira
Muharram is the opening month of Hijra year. The tenth day of this month is honored by the Muslims of Kerala. It is believed that during this month, while on a journey, Hazrat Imam Hussain, his family members and a number of his followers were surrounded by the forces of Yazid, the Muslim ruler of the time. During the siege, they were deprived of food and water and many of them were put to death. The incident happened at a place called Karbala in Iraq in 61st year after Hijra. This dispute was result of a disagreement among Muslims on the question of succession after the demise of Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph.
Copiously decorated tazias (bamboo and paper replicas of martyr’s tomb) inflated with gilt and mica are carried through the city streets. Accompanied by drum beats, the mourners cry and beat their breasts, grieving over the murder. Wrestlers and dancers endorse scenes illustrating the battle at Karbala.
On this day the Jews observe fast. The Prophet instructed the Muslims to observe fast on the
ninth and tenth of Muharram. It was to commemorate the victory of the Jews over Pharaoh that fasting was instructed to Muslims on these days.
Muharram is an important religious ceremony for Shia Muslims. Only the very much devoted among Sunni Muslims observe fast.
Tiger-dance is one of the main items of this festival. To idealize the valor of Hussain some men assume the guise of tiger by painting their whole body to bring out the appearance of tiger, wear masks and parade through streets, playing, dancing and mimicking a tiger.
Author: Adarsh B M
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